
 About the Course
 List of students
 Course materials
Kačmarčik Josip
(project secretary):

E-mail: kjosip@mf.unze.ba
Telephone: (+387 32) 449 120
Fax: (+387 32) 246 612

Nermina Zaimović-Uzunović
(project coordinator):

E-mail: nzaimovic@mf.unze.ba
Telephone: (+387 32) 449 138
Fax: (+387 32) 246 612

Postgraduate Master Course "Metrology"
organized by: University of Zenica, University Erlangen-Nürnberg and University of Maribor
supported by European Union Tempus programme
Schedule of the Lectures and Exercises
"Measurement Uncertainty Analysis"

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Dr. h.c. mult. Albert Weckenmann

(LU: Lecture Unit ; EU: Exercise Unit)

1st day (04th May)
14:30-14:40   Welcome, objectives of the course and schedule of the lectures
14:40-16:00 LU1: Introduction and motivation for measurement uncertainty evaluation
16:00-16:15   Break
16:15-16:45 LU2: Introductory example: Basic principles, measuring the distance of two parallel lines
16:45-17:30 LU3: Basic principles of Bayesian probability calculation and statistics for uncertainty evaluation
17:30-17:45   Break
17:45-19:00 LU4: The ISO-GUM procedure
19:00-20:00 EU1: Introduction into computer-aided uncertainty determination with a straightforward example (software employed: GUM-WORKBENCH)

2nd day (05th May)
08:00-09:00 EU2: Group work: The ISO-GUM procedure repetition, presentation of the results of the group work and discussion
09:00-10:00 LU5: Application example: Calibration of a liquid-in-glass thermometer
10:00-10:15   Break
10:15-11:00 LU6: Application example: Determining the diameter by means a micrometer gauge
11:00-12:15 LU7: Systematic modelling of measurements for uncertainty evaluation
12:15-13:45   Lunch break
13:45-14:30 LU8: Application example: Strain measurement by means of strain gauges
14:30-15:30 LU9: Application examples: Calibration of a digital voltmeter and measurement of an electrical current
15:30-15:45   Break
15:45-16:30 LU10: Application example: Measuring the height of a nanocluster
16:30-17:15 LU11: Complex application example: Calibration of a pressure sensor
17:15-17:30   Break
17:30-18:15 LU12: Importance of measurement uncertainty in practice
18:15-19:00 LU13: Role of measurement uncertainty in deciding conformity
19:00-20:00 EU3: Discussion and questions of the participants

Univerzitet u Zenici
Mašinski fakultet

Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Lehrstuhl Qualitätsmanagement und Fertigunsmesstechnik

Univerza u Mariboru
Fakulteta za strojništvo