(Students choose one of the offered elective courses)
Course Name |
Semester |
I |
II |
Writing master thesis - consultations |
30 |
20 |
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Semester: I |
Compulsory course |
Hours: 30 |
Course content: |
Role of metrology in modern society, industry and research. History and philosophy of metrology.
Defining principal topics of research in metrology. Specifying role of research in metrology. Developing a research project/question/problem/objective. Presentation techniques. Rewiving the literature in metrology. Planning research/measurements in metrology. Etics in measurement and research. Writting a research project proposal. Quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. Writting a research paper and report with corresponding writting skills. Definition and development of standards of basic values. Types of metrology and importance for industry and science. Measurements and quality. Pillars of quality. Terminology in metrology. Generel measurement tools and techniques. Use of data logging techniques and software. |
Examining: |
Written report, presentation and exam. |
Literature: |
1. Bentley, J. P. : Principles for Measurement Systems, Singapore: Longman, 1989.
2. Coolet, C. V. ; Hope, A. D. : Engineering Measurements, Singapore: Longman, 1990
3. Figiola, R. S. ; Beasley, D. E. : Theory and design for Mechanical Measurements, New York: John Wiley, 2000
4. Hoffmann, J. : Taschenbuch der Messtechnik. Munchen: Fachbuch Verlag Leipcig, 1998
5. Sydenham, P. H. : Handbook of Measurement Science. Vol. 1. : Theoretical Fundamentals. Vol. 2: Practical Fundamentals. Vol. 3. Elements of Change. Chichester: Wiley, 1992
6. Beckwith, T. G. ; Maranoni, R D. : Mechanical Measurements, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1990
7. Jones, B. E. : Instrument Science and Technology, Vol. 3. NAdam Higler, New York, 1985.
8. http://www. oiml. org
9. http://www. nist. gov
10. http://www. bipm. fr
13. Bobrek, M. : QMS Design, Banja Luka, 2000
14. Juran, J. M. : Quality Control Handbook, Mc Graw-Hill, 1988
15. Davis, M. : Scientific Papers and Presentations, Academic Press, 1997
16. O' Connor, M. :Writting Succesfully in Science, Chapman and Hall, 1996 |
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Semester: I |
Compulsory course |
Hours: 15 |
Course content: |
Importance of EU institutions and cooperation. Metrological structure in Europe and other regions EU institutions in metrology. Global changes in world measurement system. Role of EA(European Cooperation for Accreditations). Importance and role of MLA(Multi Lateral Agrrement). State law and metrological infrastructures in the countries, similarities, and differences. Testing and measuring laboratories. Importance of standards and MRA(Mutual Recognition Agrrement)Repeatibility of measurements. Cooperation between laboratories and institutes, EUROMET, actions and trends. OIML role of legal metrology. |
Examining: |
Written report and public presentation. |
Literature: |
1. Zaimović-Uzunović, N. : Mjeriteljska infrastruktura, Dom štampe Zenica, 2004
2. http://www. oiml. org
3. http://www. iso. org
4. http://www. fer. hr
5. http://www. mirs. si
6. http://www. cenorm. be
7. http://www. welmec. org
8. http://www. ilac. org
9. http://www. bipm. org |
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Semester: I |
Compulsory course |
Hours: 20 |
Course content: |
Role and importance of standardization measurements. History of standardization. National and international standards, directives and recommendations. International organisations for standardization: ISO, IEC, ITU. ISO/CEN/CENELEC and DIN. Levels of standardization. Compatibility, interchangeability and commonality. Standards for methods and sampling and analysis in diverse branches of technique, technology, ecology, food etc.). Certification and acreditation needs, conditions and procedures. |
Examining: |
Written report, presentation and exam. |
Literature: |
1. Omanović M. : Ciljevi, istorijat i trendovi standardizacije, Zenica, 2000
2. http://www. cenelec. org
3. http://www. consortia. org. il
4. http://www. ilac. org
5. http://www. cenorm. be
6. http://www. iso. org
7. http://www. iec. org
8. http://www. dzm. hr
9. http://www. akreditacija. hr
10. http://www. basmp. gov. ba
11. http://www. sist. si
12. http://www. jus. org. yu |
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Semester: I |
Compulsory course |
Hours: 15 |
Course content: |
Role of experiment in industry and science. Conducting experiment under industrial, semiindustrial and laboratory conditions. Experiment as a matter of scientific observation. Planning and executing of experiment. Approach to experimental research. Classification of experimental plans. Methods in experiment theory. Processing of experimental results. Least square method. Regression analysis. Graphical interperetation of results. Processing of measurement results and computer application. Significance factors assesment plan. One factor plans. Two factor plans. Selection plans. Plans for mathematical modeling. First order multifactor plans. Second order multifactor plans. Optimization plans-adaptive optimization methods. Box-Wilson's gradient method. Evaluation method. Simplex method. Taguchi metjod |
Examining: |
Written report, presentation and exam. |
Literature: |
1. Bijedić, N. : Elementi statistike, vjerovatnoća i planirani eksperimenti, Univerzitet Džemal Bijedić, Mostar, 1998.
2. Pantelić, I. : Primena statističkoh metoda u istraživanjima i procesima proizvodnje, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Novi Sad, 1984.
3. Frigson, N. L. , Mathews, D. : Practical Guide to Experimental Design, John Wiley& Sons, Inc. , New York, 1997.
4. Jurković, M. : Matematičko modeliranje inženjerskih procesa i sistema, Mašinski fakultet, Bihać, 1998.
5. Stanić, J. :Metoda inženjerskih mjerenja, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd, 1981.
6. Adler, J. N. , Markova, E. V. , Granovskij, J. V. : Planirovanie eksperimenta pri poiske optimalnih oslovij, Nauka, Moskva, 1971.
7. Vinarskij, M. S. , Lurje, M. V. :Planirovanie eksperimenta v tehnologičeskij issledovanijah, Tehnika, Kiev, 1971. |
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Semester: II |
Compulsory course |
Hours: 15 |
Course content: |
Uncertainty of measurment concept. Uncertainty and calibration. Uncertainty sources. Influences and distributions in the measurement processes. An overview of GUM standard and procedure. Identifying uncertainty components. Sensitivity coefficients. Coverage factor. Standard uncertainty. Expanded uncertainty. Reliable measurements dana. Sample calculations. Practical exercises, useful spreadsheet functions. Application in the workplace. Computers in measurement uncertainty calculation.
EN ISO / 10012: 2003, Requirements for measurement processes and measurement equipment.
ISO/TS 21748 Guidance for the use of repeteability, reproductibility and trueness estimates in measurement uncertainty estimation. |
Examining: |
Written report, presentation and exam. |
Literature: |
Taylor, John. An Introduction to Error Analysis, 2nd. ed. University Science Books: Sausalito, CA, 1997.
Bevington, Phillip R. and D. Keith Robinson. Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences, 2nd. ed. McGraw-Hill: New York, 1992.
Baird, D. C. Experimentation: An Introduction to Measurement Theory and Experiment Design, 3rd. ed. Prentice Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1995.
ISO Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Committee on Weights and Measures (CIPM): Switzerland, 1993.
Introducing the concept of uncertainty of measurement in testing in association with the application of the standard ISO / IEC 17025, ILAC - G17: 2002
EA Guidelines on the expression of uncertainty in quantitative testing, EA-4/16
Expression of the uncertainty of measurement in calibration, EAL - 4/02; December 1999
Measurement uncertainty in testing, Eurolab technical report N°. 1/2002: June 2002
Quantifying uncertainty in analytical measurement, EURACHEM / CITAC Guide CG4, Second edition QUAM: 2000. 1
A beginner's guide to uncertainty of measurement, Stephanie Bell, Measurement good practice guide N° 11, 1999, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, UK
Assessment of uncertainties of measurement for calibration and testing laboratories, (Cook Book), Ron Cook (CSIRO National Measurement Laboratory); NATA, ISBN 0-909307-46-
Estimer l'incertitude - Mesures Essais (Assessing uncertainty - Measurement and tests), Christophe Perruchet, Marc Priel, Afnor 2000, ISBN: 2-12-460703-0
Evaluating the measurement uncertainty: fundamentals and practical guidance, Ignacio Lira, Institute of Physics Publishing, ISBN 0-7503-0840-0
EN ISO 9001:2000 "Quality management systems – Requirements"
EN ISO 10012: 2003 "Measurement management systems – Requirements for measurement processes and measuring equipment" |
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Semester: II |
Compulsory course |
Hours: 20 |
Course content: |
Definition of calibration. Role and importance of calibration. ISO/IEC 17025 and General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories. Basic measurement concepts. Traceability. Principles of calibration. Validation. Verification. Standards(etalons. ). Calibration equipment. Calibration software. Meter calibration, other standards calibration. Calibration intervals. National measurement standard and the system for ensuring measurement traceability. Certification certificate. |
Examining: |
Written report, presentation and exam. |
Literature: |
Fluke. Calibration: Philosophy and Practice, 2nd. ed. Fluke Corporation: Everett, WA, 1994.
C.W. Kenedy. Inspection and gaging, Industrial Press, New York, 1987.
F:T Farago, M.A. Curtis. Handbook of Dimensional Measurements, Industrial Press, New York, 1994.
EN/ISO/IEC 17025-2000 "General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories".
EN ISO 10012: 2003 "Measurement management systems – Requirements for measurement processes and measuring equipment".
EA-2/03 EAL Interlaboratory Comparisons, 1996.
EA-2/07 EAL Strategy to Achieve Comparability of Results in Calibration and Testing, 1997.
EA-4/02 Expression of the Uncertainty of Measurement in Calibration.
EA-4/07 Traceability of Measuring and Test Equipment to National Standards.
ILAC-G2 Traceability of Measurements, 1994.
ILAC-G2 Guidance for Accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025, 2001. |
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Semester: II |
Compulsory course |
Hours: 30 |
Course content: |
Measurement principles. Measurement methods. Statics and dynamics measurements. Design of measurement instruments and systems. First and second order systems. Measurement chains. Sensors. Measurement signals. Instrumentation for measurement nonelectric physical values. Optical, electrical, laser, optoelectronic measuring instruments. Digital instruments. Analog and digital I/O Functionality: Resolution & Aliasing, Analog-to-Digital, Digital-to-Analog. Digital Inputs, Digital Outputs, Pulse I/O. Analog Signal Transmission: Analog Signal Types, Noise & Grounding, Wire & Cable Options. Digital Signal Transmission: The OSI Network Model, Physical Layer Options, Network Topologies, Fieldbus & Device Networks. Data Acquistion Hardware: Selecting a System, Plug-in-Cards, Standalone Components, Communication Devices. Presentation & Analysis: Development Considerations, Component Architectures, Off-the-Shelf Offerings. Recording, Printing & Storage: Definitions and Classifications, Trend Recorders, Data Loggers, Videographic Recorders. Virtual instruments
Electrical and mathematical concepts which form the basis of a measurement system. Configuring modular instrument hardware and programming techniques using virtual instrumentation. A/D and D/A conversion and the various types of converters. Explanations of common analog and digital input and output specifications. Explanations of common digital specifications, voltage levels, timing and triggering
Synchronization and calibration. Signal conditioning, digital and analog filters. Measurement system integration. Measurements automation |
Examining: |
Written report, presentation and exam. |
Literature: |
1. Transactions in measurement and control, Volume 2 - Data Acquisition, (www. omega. com)
2. Data Acquisition and Process Control Using Personal Computers, Tarik Ozkul, Marcel Dekker, 1996.
3. Computer Networks, Second Edition, A. S. Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall, 1988.
4. Data Communications, Computer Networks and Open Systems, F. Halsall, Addison-Wesley, 1996.
5. NI LabView User Guide, National Instruments (www. ni. com)
6. Automation Systems for Control and Data Acquisition, Lawrence T. Amy, ISA, 1992.
7. Data Acquisition and Control, Microcomputer Applications for Scientists and Engineers, Joseph J. Carr, Tab Books Inc. , 1988. |
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Semester: II |
Elective course |
Hours: 30 |
Course content: |
Introduction to product testing. Tasks and objective of testing. Testing sheme. Types of testing. Static testing. Instruments for static testing. Measurement of general deformations: measurement of angles. Measurement of local deformations: tensometers, deformeters. Optical measurement of strain. Photogrammetry. Acustical measurements of deformations. Instrument positioning. Dynamic testing. Testing impact loads. Vibration testing. Instruments for dynamic measurements: velocimeters, accelerometers, amplitudemeters, frequencymeters. Examples of application. Product testing by means of expermiental models. Model and prototype. Evaluatig model accurracy. Steps in modelling process. Testing products using numerical models. Numerical model explanation. Numerical methods. Radiography methods, ultrasdonic methods, magnetic methods, penetrant testing. Visual inspection. Laser based testing. Preparation of plan and report for testing. Results interpretation. Standards and regulations for product testing. |
Examining: |
Written report, presentation and exam. |
Literature: |
Gilmore : Integrated Product Testing and Evaluation (Quality and Reliability Series, Vol 6), ISBN: 0824774701, 1986
Clifford W. Kennedy, Edward G. Hoffman, Steven D. Bond: Inspection and Gaging , ISBN: 0831111496, 1987
William Winchell: Inspection and Measurement in Manufacturing: Keys to Process Planning and Improvement, ISBN: 0872634744, 1996
A. D. Marshall, R. R. Martin: Computer Vision, Models and Inspection (Series in Robotics and Automated Systems, Vol. 4) , ISBN: 9810207727, 1992
Robinson: Automated Inspection and Quality Assurance (Quality and Reliability, 16) , ISBN: 0824780027, 1989
R. Vukotić: Ispitivanje konstrukcija, Naučna knjiga Beograd 1989.
N. Zaimović-Uzunović: Mjerna tehnika, Mašinski fakultet u Zenici, 1997. |
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Semester: II |
Elective course |
Hours: 30 |
Course content: |
Types of processes. Feedback loop and feedback control. Controlling the process. Controller responses. Proportional , integral and derivative action.
Instrument symbols, performance and terminology. Flow measurement. Level measurement. Temperature and humidity measurement. Pressure measurement. Density measurement. Safety, weight and miscelaneous sensors. Analytical instrumentation. Pneumatic control mechanisms. Electronic control systems. Actuators and valves. Laser telemetric systems. Optical gauging. Machine vision. Quality and automated process measurement. |
Examining: |
Written report, presentation and exam. |
Literature: |
Stephen Murphy: In-process Measurement and Control (Manufacturing Engineering and Materials Processing), ISBN: 0824781309, 1990
Béla G. Lipták: Instrument Engineers' Handbook, Volume 1, Fourth Edition: Process Measurement and Analysis, ISBN: 0849310830, 2003
Roy E. Fraser: Process Measurement and Control, ISBN: 0130222119, 2000
Norman A. Anderson: Instrumentation for Process Measurement and Control, Third Editon, ISBN: 0849398711, 1997 |
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Semester: II |
Elective course |
Hours: 30 |
Course content: |
Chain of GPS standards. Business environment and quality management. Skin model. Size general principles. ISO systems of limits and fits. Geometrical tolerancing. Tolerances of form. Datums. Tolerances of orientation. Tolerances of location. Tolerances of line and surface with or without datum. Tolerances of runout. Tolerances of angles and cones. General tolerances. Roughness, waviness and primary profile. Designation and interpretation of geometrical tolerances. Tolerance for specific manufacturing processes. Tolerances for selected complex geometrical features. Vectorial dimension and tolerancing. Statistical tolerancing of mechanical assemblies. Dimensional chains, accumulation of tolerances. Inspection of dimensional and geometrical deviations. Measurement uncertainty and statistical process control in manufacturing processes. Differences between EN-ISO and other standards. Computer aided tolerancing and verification. Coordinate metrology. Optical measurements |
Examining: |
Written report, presentation and exam. |
Literature: |
Z. Humienny, S. Bialas, P.H. Osanna, M. Tamre, A. Weckenmann, L. Blunt, W. Jakubiec: Geometrical product specifications, 2001, ISBN 83-912190-8-9
EN ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management Systems
Georg Henzold: Geometrical Dimensioning and Tolerancing for Design, Manufacturing and Inspection, Second Edition: A Handbook for Geometrical Product Specification using ISO and ASME standards, ISBN: 0750667389, 2006
Pierre Bourdet (Editor), Luc Mathieu: Geometric Product Specification and Verification: Integration of Functionality , ISBN: 1402014236, 2003
ISO TC 213 standards
CEN TC 290 standards |
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