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Postgraduate Master Course "Metrology" organized by: University of Zenica, University Erlangen-Nürnberg and University of Maribor supported by European Union Tempus programme |
Home | About the Course | Curriculum | List of students | Schedule | Course materials | News | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Master thesis defense (25/05/2010)
Pomacom graduate student, Sučić Mato, is going to defend his master thesis entitled "Control of mold status of bentonite mixture and the appearance of defects in castings of cast iron".
Defense will be held at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Zenica, on Friday, 16.7.2010, at 13:00 AM.
Master thesis defense (25/05/2010)
Pomacom graduate student, Buljeta Ivica, is going to defend his master thesis entitled "Research of the causes of variations of shape and dimensions in continuously cast AlMgSi logs using computer simulations and measurements".
Defense will be held at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Zenica, on Friday, 16.7.2010, at 11:00 AM.
Master thesis defense (25/05/2010)
Pomacom graduate student, Borislav Pajkić, is going to defend his master thesis entitled "Assessment of measurement uncertainty in the calibration of planparallel length gauges class 'K' in the interferometer 'NLRM-Tsugami' type GBK-250".
Defense will be held at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Zenica, on Friday, 9.7.2010, at 11:00 AM.
Master thesis defense (25/05/2010)
Defense will be held at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Zenica, on Monday, 7.6.2010, at 11:00 AM.
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Our student, Hasić Mustafa, has lost his battle with severe disease. We would like to express sincere condolences to his family.Student postdiplomskog studija "Metrologija", Hasić Mustafa, izgubio je bitku s teškom bolešću. Ovim putem želimo izraziti iskreno saučešće njegovoj porodici. Master thesis defense (09/02/2009)
Pomacom graduate student, Borislav Bošnjak, is going to defend his master thesis entitled "Methods of testing declared characteristics of household appliances according to EU standards".
Defense will be held at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Zenica, on Friday, 27.2.2009, at 11:00 AM.
First Master thesis! (08/01/2009)
First Pomacom graduate student, Nedžad Haračić, is going to defend his master thesis entitled "Modern calibration method for XRF spectrometer by means of synthetic standards (etalons)".
Defense will be held at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Zenica, on Monday, 19.1.2009, at 11:00 AM.
Certificates (03/12/2007)
Certificates issued for successfuly finishing the courses lectured by professors from Germany and Slovenia were handed to our students on Saturday, 1/12/2007, during formal ceremony. Photos from the ceremony are avaliable here. ![]() (14/11/2007)
Press conference, organized for dissemination of project results,
was held on Monday, 13/11/2007.
The conference was hosted by prof.dr. Nermina Zaimović-Uzunović, project coordinator, Samir Lemeš, project team member and Husejin Smajlović, the mayor of Zenica municipality. The representatives of local and national newspapers and TV stations were informed about project outcomes and planned future activities. More photos from the conference are avaliable here. End ... Beginning (15/10/2007)
![]() As it was planned in project proposal, the project activities (supported by EU Tempus programme) end today. We would like to express our gratitude to all consortium partners, students and other project participants, without whom this project could not be realised. Further activities will continue soon, and please visit this page some time later, to check for information about the third semester, which will begin in November 2007. Yours Sincerely, Project Team Final Meeting (11/10/2007)
![]() This was the last meeting of the consortium members of the project organized to close the project activities, defined and discussed the final report content. Participants: - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing.E.h. Dr. h.c.mult. Albert Weckenmann, project grant holder - Prof. Dr. Nermina Zaimovic-Uzunovic, project coordinator - Prof. Dr. Bojan Acko, consortium member - Assistant Teresa Werner, dipl-ing, project secretary from the grant holder side - Assistant Josip Kacmarcik, dipl ing.project secretary from the coordinator side. Meeting agenda: 1. End of the project 2. Ongoing activities after the project 3. Future cooperation The brief overview was the first point of the agenda of project implementation from the starting to the ending phase. General conclusions: ![]() - All activities planned in the project were finished - Report will summarize and describe all specific project objectives from the application - Report will describe and elaborate outcomes. - All consortium members agree to connect report with the web side of the project www.pomacom.unze.ba, which is good created, updated and has enough information for the final report. - Report has to be linked to the materials prepared for the postgraduate students. - Coordination of the project activities was performed through the several meetings, and all of them were planned, held and reported in a written form. Conclusions from the meetings were implemented . - Report has to be fulfilled with photographs of the equipment bought from the project budget, - Final report must have the schedule of the lectures, student works, seminars, presentations, results, test and exam questions. Some of the materials have to be presented in a full version and some like abstracts. - Various statistical results concerning evaluation of the study have to be presented. - Cooperation between industry and universities has to be planned and emphasized in the future and mentioned in the report. - Cooperation with the international metrology organizations and associations would be important aim. - Consortium members recommended to accept 6 students for the master theses. They planned to supervise tasks and offered ideas for the theses. - All students passed exams in Measurement uncertainty and GPS will get certificates. - The future cooperation, due the results in this project, will be eligible. Exam "Measurement Uncertainty Analysis" (11/10/2007)
The second exam for the course "Measurement uncertainty analysis" (by Prof. Dr. Albert Weckenmann) was held on Saturday, 06/10/2007. Exam results are available here. ![]() (02/10/2007)
The exam for the course "Measurement uncertainty analysis" (by Prof. Dr. Albert Weckenmann) was held on Sunday, 23/09/2007. Exam results are available here. Exam "Testing Product Characteristics" (01/10/2007)
The exam for the course "Testing Product Characteristics" (by Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Karač) was held on Sunday, 30/09/2007. Exam results are available here. Exam "Measurement of process properties" (28/09/2007)
The exam for the course "Measurement of process properties" (by Prof. Dr. Mirsada Oruč) was held on Thursday, 27/09/2007. Exam results are available here. ![]() (24/09/2007)
The exam for the course "Measurement uncertainty analysis" (by Prof. Dr. Albert Weckenmann) was held on Sunday, 23/09/2007 at 10:00. Before the exam, 34 students filled-in the feedback questionairre, evaluating all courses they attended. Results are available here. Exam "Measurement of process properties" (17/09/2007)
The exam for the course "Measurement of process properties" (by Prof. Dr. Mirsada Oruč) was held on Sunday, 16/09/2007. Exam results are available here. ![]() Conference (17/09/2007)
Prof.dr. Nermina Zaimović-Uzunović and Mr. Samir Lemeš attended the conference "ICIT&MPT 2007" in Bled, Slovenia from September 11th to 13th, 2007. They presented the paper "Buckling mode shapes in incremental forming of sheet metal" and established a number of contacts with experts from Slovenia, Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia, Great Britain, Japan and Germany. The home page of the conference is: www.tecos.si/icit Exams (01/09/2007)
The calendar of exams is agreed at coordination meeting in Maribor as follows:
Coordination meeting in Maribor (01/09/2007)
Coordination meeting of all project participants was held in Maribor, on 31/08/2007. The project partners concluded that the project is being realised according to planned schedule, all activities were succesful and with visible results. During the meeting, the exam schedule is agreed, and plan for further project activities was distributed to participants. ![]() ![]() ![]() (20/08/2007)
The exam for the course "Measurement of process properties" (by Prof. Dr. Mirsada Oruč) was held on Saturday, 18/08/2007. Exam results are available here. Exam "Measurement of process properties" (15/08/2007)
The exam for the course "Measurement of process properties" (by Prof. Dr. Mirsada Oruč) will be held on Saturday, 18/08/2007 at 10:00. Course "Measurement of process properties" (15/07/2007)
The course "Measurement of process properties" presented by
Prof. Dr. Mirsada Oruč included visit and practical demonstrations of measurements in laboratories at the Metallurgical Institute "Kemal Kapetanović". Photos are available here. Course materials are available for download here. Course "Measurement of process properties" (04/07/2007)
The course "Measurement of process properties" will start on Saturday, 07.07.2007.
The course will be presented by
Prof. Dr. Mirsada Oruč from University of Zenica.
Course schedule: Saturday, 7.7.2007. 12:00-17:00 Sunday, 8.7.2007. 08:00-12:00 Sunday, 8.7.2007. 13:00-16:30 Saturday, 14.7.2007. 09:00-15:00 (Labs at the Metallurgical institute "Kemal Kapetanović") Sunday, 15.7.2007. 09:00-13:00 Exam "Calibration, documentation and laboratory management" (04/07/2007)
The oral exam for course "Calibration, documentation and laboratory management" by
Prof. Dr. Bojan Ačko will be held on Saturday, 07.07.2007 at 9:00.
Results of written exam held 30/06/2007... Presentation "3D Measurement and Digitisation Systems" (02/07/2007)
![]() The presentation was attended mostly by students enrolled at the course "Testing Product Characteristics". Mr. Tomislav Hercigonja, manager of the company "Topomatika" Zagreb, Croatia, presented modern 3D optical measuring system TRITOP and 3D scanner ATOS IIe (developed by German company "GOM"). The presentation included model preparation, scanner calibration, practical 3D scanning tasks, and postprocessing of scanning results (export to CAD formats, determining deviations from CAD model, making crosssections, and preparing measurement reports). Photograps taken during presentation are available here. Presentation "3D Measurement and Digitisation Systems" (25/06/2007)
The company specialized for 3D scanning, optical measurement systems and computer processing TOPOMATIKA Zagreb organises presentation of 3D Measurement and Digitisation Systems. The presentation will be held at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Zenica, on Saturday, 30th June, between 12:00 and 14:00. ![]() Schedule: 12:00 – 12:10 Introduction, Presentation of company 12:10 – 12:40 ATOS and TRITOP measurement systems 13:00 – 13:30 Demo measurement with ATOS II XL 13:30 – 14:00 Discussion The presentation will include measurements with system ATOS II Xl, processing of measured results, comparison with CAD models, exporting results to various standard CAD formats, preparation of measurement reports. Course "Testing Product Characteristics" (21/06/2007)
The course "Testing Product Characteristics" will start on Friday, 22.06.2007.
The course will be presented by
Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Karač from University of Zenica.
Detailed course schedule can be found here.Download course materials... Course "Geometrical product specifications" (12/06/2007)
The course "Geometrical product specifications" will start on Thursday, 14.06.2007.
The course will be presented by
Dipl.-Ing. Peter-Frederik Brenner (Thursday) and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Dr. h.c. mult. Albert Weckenmann (Friday and Saturday). Detailed schedule is available here. ![]() (05/06/2007)
The second part of the course "Instrumentation" was held on 02.06.2007 and 02.06.2007.
The course was followed by a workshop.
Photos can be found here.
Course "Instrumentation" - part 1 (22/05/2007)
The course "Instrumentation" will start on Saturday, 26.05.2007.
The course will be presented by
Prof. Dr. Hotimir Ličen from University of Novi Sad, Serbia.
Course schedule can be found here.
![]() (22/05/2007)
Photographs taken during the course "Calibration, documentation and laboratory management" are available here.Round Table (18/05/2007)
![]() Photographs taken during the Round table are available here. Course "Calibration, documentation and laboratory management" (10/05/2007)
The course "Calibration, documentation and laboratory management" will start on Friday, 18.05.2007.
The course will be presented by
Prof. Dr. Bojan Ačko from University of Maribor, Slovenia.
Course schedule can be found here.Download course materials... ![]() (07/05/2007)
Photographs taken during the course "Measurement Uncertainty" are available here.Round Table (06/05/2007)
On the occasion of May 20th, International Metrology Day, Chair of Automation and Metrology at the University of Zenica, Metallurgical Institute "Kemal Kapetanović" Zenica and National Metrology Institute of Bosnia and Herzegovina organize Round Table "THE ROLE AND IMPORTANCE OF METROLOGY IN EUROPEAN INTEGRATION PROCESSES FOR BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA" Keynote speakers: - Osman Topčagić, Directorate of European Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Esad Tuzović, National Metrology Institute of Bosnia and Herzegovina - prof.dr. Mirsada Oruč, Metallurgical Institute "Kemal Kapetanović" Zenica - prof.dr. Nermina Zaimović-Uzunović, Chair of Automation and Metrology at the University of Zenica The Round Table is scheduled for Thursday, May 17th, at the Library in Metallurgical Institute "Kemal Kapetanović" Zenica, between 10:00 and 12:00. Second semester starts (03/05/2007)
The first course in second semester will start on Friday, 04.05.2007. The course "Measurement Uncertainty Analysis" will be presented by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Dr. h.c. mult. Albert Weckenmann. Detailed Course schedule can be found here. You can download demo version of GUM Workbench© here. SMU files (examples presented during the course). Registration for the Second semester (21/03/2007)
We invite all "Metrology" students to register for the second semester before April 6th 2007. During registration, the students should express their preferences for elective courses. More info and registration forms are available in Students service Office (tel. 032 449 124), or contact project secretary Josip Kačmarik (kjosip@mf.unze.ba). (17/03/2007)
Laboratory for measurements at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Zenica is finally renewed and computers purchased through this project are installed and ready to use. Postgraduate students are allowed to use this laboratory for preparation of their seminar papers. There are 12 multimedia computers, with 1 Mbps Internet connection. If you want to see how the laboratory used to look and how it looks now, please follow this link. Forum (06/02/2007)
Some students requested a forum to be installed. It is available here (or you can follow the link "Forum" in the left menu) and students can post their comments and discussion there. A registration is required for those who want to use the forum. To register, just click the link "Registracija" at Forum's top menu. Senate Decisions (23/01/2007)
The University Senate made decision about terms and deadlines for obtaining scientific degrees M.Sc. and Ph.D at the University of Zenica in terms of Bologna transformation. This document is available here (in Bosnian language). Another decision is about ECTS grades. The new (detailed) ECTS table for postgraduate study "Metrology" is available here. Download presentations (14/01/2007)
You can download the course materials (presentations) from this link. (14/01/2007)
The Municipality of Zenica financed the renewal of Laboratory premises at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in January 2006. The equipment (12 computers, multimedia projector, LAN) purchased through Tempus project will thus be installed in renewed Laboratory for Measurements at the University of Zenica. The Course Started! (15/12/2006)
The postgraduate course "Metrology" officially started on Saturday, December 15th 2006. The course attendees were addressed by officials:- Prof.dr. Sreto Tomašević, Minister of education and science of Zenica-Doboj Canton - Prof.dr. Sabahudin Ekinović, Rector of the University of Zenica - Prof.dr. Safet Brdarević, Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - Prof.dr. Darko Petković, Vice-rector for international cooperation at the University of Zenica - Prof.dr. Nermina Zaimović-Uzunović, project coordinator (click the photo to see more photos from the opening ceremony) Postgraduate Master Course "Metrology" (01/10/2006)
University of Zenica applied this project for EU Tempus SCM programme (Structural and Complementary Measures) in December 2005.
Prof.dr. Nermina Zaimovi ć Uzunović from the University of Zenica is project coordinator, University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany is project grantholder, University of Maribor, Slovenia and Zenica-Doboj Canton are project partners.
The project
was accepted by European Comission as project number C004A06-2006, and it will be realised between 15.10.2006 and 15.10.2007. |
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